Vanishing Points: Architectural Imagination in the Digital Universe

Vanishing Points: Architectural Imagination in the Digital Universe

For his exhibition at the Roca London Gallery, Hamza brought drawings by his peers, who are experiencing a similar social media boom, into dialogue with historical precedents gathered from the Drawing Matter archive. From the elegant formality of Mies van der Rohe, to the painterly compositions of John Hejduk; from a precious hand-drawn plan by Le Corbusier, to a comical sketch by James Gowan, we see how the masters of the past also used drawing to demonstrate architectural imagination and how their work continues to influence this generation of creatives. The exhibition grouped drawings by technique and medium, an arbitrary categorisation, but one that allows comparisons to be made through time and by technique: Layers (collage, composites), Hands (whether drawn with a pen or digital tool), Fictions (images that tell stories), Metrics (those that involve a mathematical process) Abstract and Perspectives.