Looming (de)Vices – (Re)assembled Machines

Looming (de)Vices – (Re)assembled Machines

Collaboraive Project: Bea Martin, Katrina McLaughlin and Melissa Fletcher for Cultures of Place, Huddersfield

Visible and invisible threads are aggregated on temporal space. Threads that transverse, designate, and generate the fabric of place. Their origins, properties, duration, and consistency have different expressions. Threads are indicative of underlying forces and tensions that are endowed with content and meaning.

This project explores the transformation, desintegration, and renewal of Huddersfield's threads; their occupation and inscription in its soft and hard fabric; the definition of place and the configuration of its identity. The project questions the fabric of Huddersfield; its place(s) and non-place(s). Drawing inspiration from the town's heritage and history -- textile and urban fabric. It examines the relationships between the visible present, and the invisible memories.